We are Proud

to Introduce


Bespoke Timber Structures

Traditional materials & quality construction combine to produce a structure that is not only beautiful but built to last & enjoy for years to come

Custom Made

to your requirements




All Timber Structures Featured on Our Website Custom Made by Us






Our custom made garden entrances & fencing give  a pleasing view to perimeters, or defined areas, whilst maintaining  functionality.

Just as planners of gardens must make the best use of ground space, they must also seek opportunities to intensify the effect of planting by using the air space above the garden.

Gazebos, Pergola Tunnels, Trellis screen & Obelisks provide climbing spaces for plants which can be used to great effect. Gazebos & Shelters, whilst being attractive features in their own right, are great for relaxing & viewing the garden.

We also custom build timber structures such as bridges etc. to compliment & enhance water features.


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